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  • ECDL for School

    The Romanian Ministry of Education is a close and permanent partner in projects developed by ECDL ROMANIA.
    The Romanian Ministry of Education, through its programmes, is looking to use widely IT&C in educational activities, permanently developing special projects of rigging all the schools in Romania and aiming in computer assisted teaching implementation.

    ECDL in the best 200 high schools in Romania is a programme approved by the Romanian Ministry of Education through which ECDL is offered free in 200 high schools and to 400 informatics teachers. The syllabus for the 9th and 10th grade is ECDL Syllabus. ECDL ROMANIA together with the Ministry of Education are supporting the high schools in becoming ECDL approved test centers. The project was the base for the recognition at the Baccalaureate exam. 

    In 2011, ECDL ROMANIA renewed its partnerships with the Ministry of Education by signing a new agreement. “Education for Information Society” agreement continues the strategy to implement the ECDL certification in the ro
    maninan educational system, aiming some specific objectives such as the defining of a common strategy to facilitate to students and teachers in Romania access to the international standard in computer use, ECDL. Through this signed agreement, ECDL ROMANIA continues to accreditate for free the schools in Romania and grants 10.000 ECDL certificates for students. 
    According to OUG 97/2009 the Baccalaureate will contain a digital literacy examination. The No. 3 Addendum to O.M.E.C.I. no. 5219/ 09.09.2010 states that „ It is recognised and validated with the digital literacy exam – the D) test in Baccalaureate, the results obtained at ECDL exams and concluded with ECDL Start or ECDL Core certificate”.

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