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     ECDL standard in Romania

    ECDL ROMANIA is the only entity authorized by ICDL Foundation to promote and develop the ECDL/ ICDL concept in Romania and Moldova.
    The examinations of candidates are organized only in Test centers approved by ECDL ROMANIA, according to the ICDL Foundation standards. 
    ECDL ROMANIA developed a national network of approved test centers, which is currently in full development and that covers all country districts. 
    The centers list includes educational institutions (universities, high schools, schools), training centers for administration, professional training centers, NGO's in all the main cities of the country.
         ECDL ROMANIA is ISO 9001:2001 and ISO 9001:2015 certified, as proof for integration and assurance of Quality Management System.  
    ECDL ROMANIA este autorizata drept Furnizor de formare profesionala a adultilor cu nr. 40/569/14.02.2023 pentru programul “Competente digitale de utilizare a tehnologiei informatiei ca instrument de invatare si cunoastere”. Pentru detalii puteti accesa Registrul furnizorilor de formare profesională autorizati Bucuresti 2019-2023 de pe website-ul Ministerul Muncii și Solidarității Sociale de pe aceasta pagina.

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