New! ECDL Remote Testing.
Sign-up for ECDL here.
The ECDL certificate is digitally issued and is uploaded in the ECDL Online Candidate Account.
Validate the authenticity of the ECDL certificate here.
Find out everything you need to know about ECDL registration, testing and certification.
2. Fill in the Online ECDL Registration Form.
3. Go to an ECDL Accredited Center that you select, validate the Online ECDL Registration Form in maximum 30 days since you completed. Than access your ECDL Online Account and buy yourself an ECDL Unique Registration Series.

4. For preparing to take the ECDL tests, you can use the ECDL courseware (you place the order directly to the publisher) or you can request for the training offers provided by the ECDL Accredited Test Center that you registered at.
* This step is optional.
5. Plan the order you wish to take the ECDL Modules exams and program your test sessions at the ECDL Test Center selected at registration. Keep in touch with the ECDL Test Center coordinator for all the ECDL testing period.
6. Permanently verify your ECDL Profile status by loging in on your ECDL Online Account.
7. After successfully graduating all the ECDL exams you planned, ask for your ECDL Certificate at your ECDL Test Center coordinator.
The ECDL certificate is digitally issued and is uploaded in the ECDL Candidate Online Account.
* The period in which you get to obtain the ECDL Certificate depends on the selected type of ECDL certificate, on your level of competences and on your need to take or not classes for preparation before the exams.
** ECDL testing is online, with immediate results situation.
*** There is no age limit dor registering in the ECDL certification programme.
**** The ECDL Unique Registration Series has no limited valability and is unique for all types of ECDL Certificates.
***** The ECDL Certificate is valid for an unlimited period.
****** You can verify online the authenticity of an ECDL Certificate by clicking the validation link.
! ECDL ROMANIA offers candidates the opportunity to take remote ECDL testing.
Thus, it becomes possible to test all the candidates wishing to take ECDL exams, even during when it is difficult to organize ECDL testing sessions in accredited test rooms.
As a result, the ECDL Certificate may be obtained also by using the ECDL Remote Testing Procedure, as permitted for the ECDL Accredited Test Centers.
Access the Candidate Information on ECDL Remote Testing (click on this link) and follow the ECDL Remote Testing Rules below.
You can contact one of the ECDL Accredited Test Centers below to register and schedule for remote ECDL testing.
ECDL Accredited Test Centers that organize Remote ECDL Testing:
EduHub Bucureşti – ERBA CONSULTING AND DISTRIBUTION - email eduhub@erba.ro tel. 0745 636 994
BRAHMS INTERNATIONAL Braşov - email calitate@brahms.ro tel. 0729 850 556
OLIMP NET Buzău - email office@olimpnet.ro tel. 0760 676 800
Asociatia InstruIT Oradea - email cristian.veres@instruit.org tel. 0788 154 088
ITTKEPZES Miercurea Ciuc - email gydenes@mag.ro tel. 0762 248 674
UNIVERSITATEA AUREL VLAICU ARAD - email ratiu_anina@yahoo.com tel. 0257 283 010
UNIVERSITATEA DE VEST VASILE GOLDIŞ ARAD - email anaaji@uvvg.ro / ecdl@uvvg tel. 0257 285 813 / 0771 543 124
FUNDAŢIA GIOVANNI BOSCO Constanţa - email cursuriconstanta@donbosco.ro tel. 0726 626 345
UNIVERSITATEA ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA IAŞI - email cfca@feaa.uaic.ro tel. 0232 201 418
CREATIVE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Bucureşti - email cursuri@cbmanagement.ro tel. 0743 183 353
FUNDAŢIA IOAN BOSCO Bacău - email sdbbacau@gmail.com tel. 0234 582 330
DAST SYSTEMS Timișoara - email office@dast.ro tel. 0727 336 130
Atelierele ILBAH București - email inscrieri@ateliereleilbah.ro tel. 0730 643 130
Asociația E-CIVIS București - email ana-maria@e-civis.eu tel. 0721 678 764
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL MIHAI EMINESCU BUCUREŞTI - email ana_lumy@gmail.com tel. 0763 806 945
ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ NR. 156 BUCUREŞTI - email matei.a.eduard@gmail.com tel. 0736 263 674 - Înscrieri la acest centru şi prin completarea acestui Formular online (click pe acest link)
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL MATEI BASARAB BUCUREŞTI - email dimitriuralu@yahoo.com tel. 0747 015 035
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL RICHARD WURMBRAND IAŞI - email enciu.stoica@wurmbrand.ro tel. 0752 172 575
CASA CORPULUI DIDACTIC BRAILA - email ccdbraila2007@yahoo.com tel. 0726 188 500
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL MARTON ARON MIERCUREA CIUC - email gydenes@mag.ro tel. 0762 248 674
COLEGIUL DOBROGEAN SPIRU HARET TULCEA - email spiruharetl@yahoo.com tel. 0240 517 130
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL NICU GANE FĂLTICENI - email ilincaif@yahoo.com tel. 0729 828 651
COLEGIUL ECONOMIC MANGALIA - email curcanrxn@yahoo.com tel. 0722 822 649
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL ANDREI ŞAGUNA BRAŞOV - email irina.aupici@saguna.ro tel. 0748 670 027
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL DRAGOŞ VODĂ CÂMPULUNG MOLDOVENESC - email agabriel@eed.usv.ro tel. 0754 783 759
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL GHEORGHE ŞINCAI BUCUREŞTI - email alexandrra_s_d@yahoo.com tel. 0722 756 756
COLEGIUL TEHNIC GHEORGHE ASACHI BOTOŞANI - email luigi_ionescu@yahoo.com tel. 0744 209 885
LICEUL TEORETIC ŞCOALA EUROPEANĂ BUCUREŞTI - email mariana.ciobanu@scoalaeuropeana.ro tel. 0723 501 994
ASOCIAŢIA PROCOLEGIUM - Colegiul Economic Arad - email dianabohatel@yahoo.com tel. 0725 547 522
LICEUL TEORETIC NAGY MOZES TÂRGU SECUIESC - email istvan_budai@yahoo.com tel. 0723 528 319
LICEUL TEORETIC NAŢIONAL BUCUREŞTI - email info@liceulnational.ro tel. 0720 000 171
ASOCIAŢIA VIRGIL MADGEARU GALAŢI - email ecdl@cevmg.ro tel. 0766 334 476
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL GHEORGHE MUNTEANU MURGOCI BRĂILA - email pruspaul@yahoo.com tel. 0746 030 153
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL ION NECULCE BUCUREŞTI - email ecdl.neculce@gmail.com tel. 0723 459 388
LICEUL TEORETIC JEAN MONNET BUCUREŞTI - email ltjeanmonnet@gmail.com tel. 021 230 50 78
LICEUL TEORETIC BOLYAI FARKAS TÂRGU MUREŞ - email magdifej@gmail.com tel. 0728 304 331
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL TRAIAN DROBETA TURNU SEVERIN - email gabizagara@yahoo.com tel. 0352 401 118
COLEGIUL ECONOMIC VIRGIL MADGEARU BUCUREŞTI - email ioan_gogoloi@yahoo.com tel. 0786 290 748
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL MOISE NICOARĂ ARAD - email ecdlcnmn@yahoo.com tel. 0770 279 561
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL MIHAI EMINESCU BACĂU - email livinie@yahoo.com tel. 0752 127 950
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL AVRAM IANCU CÎMPENI - email ai.cimpeni@isjalba.ro tel. 0258 771 232
LICEUL TEORETIC LASCĂR ROSETTI RĂDUCĂNENI - email naivadam@yahoo.com tel. 0787 897 083
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL BĂNĂŢEAN TIMIŞOARA - email branga_m@yahoo.com tel. 0723 450 467
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL MIHAI EMINESCU ORADEA - email istvan75n@gmail.com tel. 0745 134 193
ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ MIRCEA CEL BĂTRÂN PITEŞTI - email paulette_g10@yahoo.com tel. 0248 276 340
COLEGIUL TEHNIC MECANIC GRIVIŢA BUCUREŞTI - email mirela.barascu@ctmgrivita.ro tel. 0726 152 145
LICEUL TEORETIC FILADELFIA SUCEAVA - email tibi81@yahoo.com tel. 0748 295 208
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL DE INFORMATICĂ MATEI BASARAB RM. VÂLCEA - email a_badea2005@yahoo.com tel. 0744 667 381
LICEUL TEORETIC ION HELIADE RĂDULESCU TÂRGOVIŞTE - email ihr@ltihr.ro tel. 0726 263 482
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA GALAŢI - email grigoremagdalena@yahoo.com tel. 0745 314 656
Asociaţia Alumni - Elena Ghiba Birta Arad - email rcioran@yahoo.com tel. 0731 327 826
COLEGIUL ECONOMIC COSTIN C. KIRIŢESCU BUCUREŞTI - email informatizare@kiritescu.ro tel. 0727 299 429
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL A.T. LAURIAN BOTOŞANI - email marcel.badragan@laurian.ro tel. 0742 137 456
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL MIHAI EMINESCU BAIA MARE - email danaciolte@yahoo.com tel. 0744 685 705
LICEUL NAŢIONAL DE INFORMATICĂ ARAD - email beatricec_2003@yahoo.com tel. 0749 498 528
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL IOAN SLAVICI SATU MARE - email lumimatyas@yahoo.com tel. 0744 247 109
COLEGIUL ECONOMIC A.D. XENOPOL BUCUREŞTI - email ecdl@colegiulxenopol.ro tel. 021 320 57 19
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL VASILE ALEXANDRI GALAŢI - email liliana_dau@yahoo.com tel. 0745 345 626
LICEUL TEORETIC CAROL I FETEŞTI - email carolfetesti@gmail.com tel. 0243 361 531
COLEGIUL ECONOMIC GHEORGHE CHIŢU CRAIOVA - email ecdl.cne@gmail.com tel. 0751 035 104
COLEGIUL ECONOMIC ADMINISTRATIV IAŞI - email ecdl.ceai@gmail.com tel. 0747 014 121
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL PEDAGOGIC ŞTEFAN VELOVAN CRAIOVA - email chelaru_alex94@yahoo.com tel. 0774 688 459
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL OCTAVIAN GOGA MARGHITA - email zenovia.coras@yahoo.com tel. 0757 312 176COLEGIUL COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL AL. I. CUZA FOCŞANI - email camelia.mereuta@cnaic.ro tel. 0767 751 551
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL SF. SAVA BUCUREŞTI - email constantanastase@yahoo.com tel. 0724 345 179
COLEGIUL NAŢIONAL PETRU RAREŞ SUCEAVA - email ecdl@cnprsv.ro tel. 0230 520 822
COLEGIUL ECONOMIC VIILOR BUCUREŞTI - email economic4@yahoo.com tel. 021 316 09 73
LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC BARBU A. ŞTIRBEY BUFTEA - email mihaelastoica@liceulbarbustirbey.ro tel. 021 350 57 31
Rules for ECDL remote testing
- The candidate must have a personal computer that meets the ECDL technical testing requirements and has the relevant applications installed, which will be communicated by the ECDL tester, along with a webcam, microphone and Internet connection
- The candidate is responsible for the fulfilment of the technical conditions for the computer that will take the ECDL test on, having the possibility, before the official testing date, to use a technical test (Quiz) that he can request from the ECDL tester
- The candidate must be alone in the testing room and the test environment must have an adequate light level.
- The candidate must stay at the computer throughout the entire testing session and have access to all the hardware / software facilities / resources required for ECDL testing
- The candidate must ensure that he / she has understood all the details regarding the Remote Testing received from the ECDL tester (date and time of the test, address of the testing platform, credentials for the testing platform, etc.).
- The candidate will also use the webcam to present to the ECDL tester the testing room / environment to prove that no other people are present in the room and that there are no resources / training materials that are not allowed during the testing session, such as guides, coursewares, books, etc.
- The candidate will also use the webcam to present his / her valid and legible identity document to the examiner. The image will be saved by the ECDL tester
- If the examiner considers that the testing environment / room is not suitable for testing or the identity of the candidate has not been established, the candidate will not be able to participate in the ECDL testing.
- During testing, communication between the candidate and other persons is forbidden; the candidate can remotely communicate only with the ECDL tester (or with the ECDL ROMANIA representative if applicable).
- During the test, the candidate must not request / receive assistance in solving the tests from other persons, neither directly (by the presence of those persons in the testing room), nor indirectly (by telephone, etc.).
- The candidate must maintain a quiet, noise-free testing environment.
- The candidate can only contact the ECDL tester for clarification of instructions or if technical problems arise.
- The candidate may not leave the testing room during the test.
- During the test, the candidate must not use courseware materials or electronic books or any other means of assistance for solving the test requirements.
- The candidate must not use programs other than those specified in the test
- It is forbidden for the candidate to use mobile phones, cameras and video recording equipment during testing, except for the webcam used for monitoring the test session.
- Video and audio devices must be activated and functional only for the purpose of monitoring the test session by the ECDL tester.
- At all times, the webcam should be focused on the candidate taking the ECDL test.
- The candidate must be permanently positioned in the center of the webcam image.
- The webcam lens must not be covered during ECDL testing.
Specific rules may be added to the above testing rules, depending on the characteristics of each testing session.
In case the test rules are violated, the candidate in question will immediately end the test, and the necessary measures / sanctions to be applied will be established later, as the case may be.
The ECDL exams in testing rooms can still be organized by all ECDL Accredited Test Centers, upon their decision.
The full list of ECDL Accredited Testing Centers is available here .